Science and Tech

Reducing the Mental Burden on Type-1 Diabetics

The problem we are solving.

Dec 14, 2023

Type 1 diabetics make an extra 180 decisions per day to manage their condition.

My partner, Jish, has lived with type-1 diabetes for over 23 years, and she actively plans and makes these health-related decisions daily.

We’re building Haema to tackle this mental burden and reduce the planning diabetics need to do. We’re doing this by providing data-driven insights.

Here’s what our proof of concept is looking like at the moment (still under construction! 👨‍💻):

Over the last decade, personal health data has seen monumental improvements in its quality, breadth, and availability. By coupling this with the leaps in AI tech we’ve seen, courtesy of OpenAI, developers can create ultra-personalised and rich user experiences.

Haema is a dynamic dashboard entirely controlled by our core AI system; it changes according to user needs and proactively delivers insights to the user. In our case, the user will be diabetics and doctors.

Here are a couple of examples of such insights (still a work in progress 😁):

Thanks for reading. If you have diabetes or know anyone who is, we’re releasing version 1 of Haema soon, so please get in touch using my cal link below!


Pranav, Co-Founder, Schedule a call here!


  • 🚀 We’re off to San Francisco! We’ll be spending Q1 2024 full-time building Haema at buildspace.

  • 📆 We’re aiming to release these mini-blogs every week.

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