Science and Tech

Health Data is Fragmented

Aggregating diabetes health data.

Jan 29, 2024

Health data is hugely fragmented, which results in silos in our healthcare systems and contributes to 'one size fits all' frameworks. The reasons for this are numerous; however, at its core, it's because healthcare systems deal with data from thousands of different providers, all of which lack standardization.

At Haema, we're building infrastructure to aggregate these health metrics, specifically in the diabetes space. We've created a database with real-time access to users' blood glucose and activity data from wearable data sources.

In the last two weeks, we've built an autonomous AI (an agent) to analyse this data based on user needs. It's execution is super cool:

  1. The user asks a question. For example, what usually happens to my blood sugar when I work out?

  2. The agent plans what tasks need to happen to answer the question, e.g., writing code or searching the web.

  3. The agent runs through each step and uses the available tools to reach its goal. (A tool is software that allows the agent to interact with its environment; in our case, one such tool would be the database connection).

  4. Agent summaries findings and presents answers to users.

Here's an early-stage snippet of the agent conducting blood glucose analysis:

This is one small step in the right direction to building personalised healthcare.

Haema is building the future.

Thanks for reading. If you're interested, sign up for our waitlist for access! 


Pranav, Co-Founder, Schedule a call here!

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